"You don't build a house without its foundation. You don't build a hospital without its nurses." Author unknown Thank you nurses who run towards the line of duty. This was not a battle you signed up for, but it is one for which you're fighting regardless. You've chosen selflessness over self-preservation not just today in the war against the invisible enemy that is COVID-19 - but every time you step into your scrubs. Adventist Health Rideout AdventistHealthRideout.org "You don't build a house without its foundation. You don't build a hospital without its nurses." Author unknown Thank you nurses who run towards the line of duty. This was not a battle you signed up for, but it is one for which you're fighting regardless. You've chosen selflessness over self-preservation not just today in the war against the invisible enemy that is COVID-19 - but every time you step into your scrubs. Adventist Health Rideout AdventistHealthRideout.org