74 It's feeling better, faster. Anterior hip replacement surgery is a less invasive technique that allows for shorter recovery and rehabilitation time - so you can get back to doing what you love. It's a thousand things, big and small. 530-749-5746 sutterhealth.org/sshnv Harinder Dhanota, M.D. Philbert Y. Huang, M.D. Sutter Health Sutter Surgical Hospital North Valley 74 It's feeling better , faster . Anterior hip replacement surgery is a less invasive technique that allows for shorter recovery and rehabilitation time - so you can get back to doing what you love . It's a thousand things , big and small . 530-749-5746 sutterhealth.org/sshnv Harinder Dhanota , M.D. Philbert Y. Huang , M.D. Sutter Health Sutter Surgical Hospital North Valley