THE YUBA RIVER LIFE OF A WATER OROP ON THE Gathering rain and snowmelt from over O1,357 SQUARE MILES New Bullards Bar stores nearly 1 MILLION acre-feet of water of the Sierra Nevada mountain range, the Yuba River begins as three separate rivers; the NORTH YUBA, MIDDLE YUBA, and SOUTH YUBA RIVERS. Each year, approximately 112,000 people recreate at New Bullards Bar Reservoir. Habitat for fish and wildlife. Rice fields provide bird and wildlife habitat. NORTH YUBA RIVER A NEW BULLARDS BAR DAM NEW COLGATE Enough hydropower to supply power POWERHOUSE to more than 400,000 HOMES. NARROWS 1 AND 2 POWERHOUSES Provides CARBON-FREE SOUTH YUBA RIVER electricity. 260,000 ACRE-FEET of water to eight water districts, who in turn supply 60,000 ACRES of farmland with water. 80% of Yuba County's population relies on groundwater. O @YubaWater YUBA 2021 WATER AGENCY MIDDLE YUBA RIVER THE YUBA RIVER LIFE OF A WATER OROP ON THE Gathering rain and snowmelt from over O1,357 SQUARE MILES New Bullards Bar stores nearly 1 MILLION acre-feet of water of the Sierra Nevada mountain range, the Yuba River begins as three separate rivers; the NORTH YUBA, MIDDLE YUBA, and SOUTH YUBA RIVERS. Each year, approximately 112,000 people recreate at New Bullards Bar Reservoir. Habitat for fish and wildlife. Rice fields provide bird and wildlife habitat. NORTH YUBA RIVER A NEW BULLARDS BAR DAM NEW COLGATE Enough hydropower to supply power POWERHOUSE to more than 400,000 HOMES. NARROWS 1 AND 2 POWERHOUSES Provides CARBON-FREE SOUTH YUBA RIVER electricity. 260,000 ACRE-FEET of water to eight water districts, who in turn supply 60,000 ACRES of farmland with water. 80% of Yuba County's population relies on groundwater. O @YubaWater YUBA 2021 WATER AGENCY MIDDLE YUBA RIVER