CdCOC James Gaany Do your part to stop mosquito production VECTOR CONTROL DIS Town Spraying Green Swimming Pools A neglected swimming pool can produce 100,000 mosquiboes over a summer! Please report your own or your neighbor's pool you can romain anoryuAerial Work in our towns, human disease risk increases To reduce this risk, town spraying typicaly starts in lase June. Spraying begins at sunset, lasts up 110 3 hors and w continue weedy unta mosquto numbers drop off in mid-September There is no charge, fee or penalty. District staff can treat mesquito-producing pools quickly and safely You can still get your pool ready for swimming later The District contracts with arcraft services to conbrol mosquitoes in agricultural areas. Utlizing araft alows for large, mosauto procing acreages to be targeted West Nile Virus Mosquito-borne diseases, like West Nile virus, are transmitted through the bite of an Infected mosquito. West Nie virus continues to impact residents of Sutter and Yuba Counties. Backyard water sources produce mosquitoes that can transma West Nie vinus. Abandoned and dirty swimming pools, bird baths omamental ponds and many other containers holding water longer than 7 days can cause big mosquito Al insecticide applications are based on mosquito abundance and disease activity. The materials we use pose minimal risk to human health, animal health and the environment when used according to label directions, even if exposure occurs. Concemed or sersitive individials can take further steps to roduce any exposure by staying indoors keeping doors and windows closed and turning off evaporative coolers and whole-house fans during Concemed or People are rightly corncerned over outbreaks of Zika virus being reported in foreign countries. It is to understand that only certain mosquito species can 2018 SPRAY SCHEDULE it the virus. Currently these mosquitoes are toMONDAYS & THURSDAYS AT DUsK not known to exist in either Sutter or Yuba County. The District is pro-actively looking for these new irwasive mosquito species. Reports of Zika in Califomia come via returning travellers from where these species do transmit the virus. Strong travel warnings have been issued by the COC for anyone traveling to Mexico, Central or South America. the Caribbean, Oceania or parts of Africa and Asia Pregnant women or women trying to become should not travel to countries Ested on the CoC's Zka Town fogging for Wheatland, Olivehurst indections Linda, East Marsyvile, Live Oak, Sutter, es Tierra Buena, Plumas Lake, and South MONDAYS THRU THURSDAYS AT DUSIK Agricultural ground fogging for rural areas in the District (does not include Yuba Travel Into page hatps:/hwwwnc.odc gowtravel/page/County foothils) and town fogging for Robbins and Meridian. MAY OCCUR WEEKLY ON ANY NIGHT Aerial spraying may occur in agricultural areas north of Marysville, south of Linda/ I w Repelents are a simple, inexpensive and effective to elrrinate mosquito bbes. Keeping some on hand provides a means for protecting yourself when you outdoors andd Ciscover that mosquitces are biting Clivehurst southeas ol Piaas Lake d west or south of Yuba City, when Notification Sign-Up When the District schedules insecticide applications air, plans to fog in urban/ suburban areas not regularty sprayed, cr releases a Public Service Announcement subscribers will receive a notice by email. Signing up is fast easy and free on the District website mosquito abundance or disease activity Watch for further information regarding adcitional spraying. Keep door and window screens in good repair Limit outdoor activity at dawn and dusk Wear long pants Use 530-674-5456 s and long seeves when mosquitoes are out